A is for Avocado
by Herb Weisbaum

Avocados are a very healthy fruit. That's right; they're a fruit, not a veggie.

Avocados are rich in antioxidants and a good source of potassium, folate and other B vitamins. Plus they're loaded with fiber.

"They have more fiber than any other fruit, more than berries or apples," said Jamie Kopf, senior editor of the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter.

Avocados also have more calories than a lot of other fruit (110 to 180 calories per half) because they have a lot of fat (10 to 15 grams per half).

But Kopf says, it's mainly monounsaturated fat, the kind that's in olive and canola oils. It's the type of fat that doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels.

"All of the fat in avocados is the healthy unsaturated kind," Kopf told me. "Research actually shows that when you substitute the fats in avocado for saturated fat, it actually helps to lower cholesterol levels."

By the way, the darker part of the avocado, just below the peel contains the most carotenoids.


How to shop for avocados

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