LEWISTON, ID- The horsepower vs horse power race is just three days away at EC Enterprises motor sports park. Owner Eric Christiansen spoke about the event and what to expect.
“It's a really fun event. It’s funny, it's competitive, we got horses versus motorcycles.”
It’s the first horsepower event at the freedom northwest arena. The track is just about prepped and ready for the main event, barrel racing.
“Three barrels in the arena are in the correct pattern and it's timed, so they’ll set up the timers. The horses and motorcycles will run separately," Christiansen said.
Barrel racing won’t be the only event, as it’ll be a full lineup of entertainment.
“Motorcycles and horses are going to race head to head," Christiansen said. "They will go down to the arena, through the polls, make a turn and come back through the polls, and the first one to the finish line wins.”
The community has also bought into the event. Not just the fans, but the participants as well.
“The barrel racer gals came out and practiced, and were pretty blown away with it. They took the horses clear up on all the hills.”
The event is on June 10th, with gates opening up at 4:30 p.m. and racing starting at 6 p.m.