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P1FCU Prep Athlete of the Week: Maya Anderson, Moscow Bears

Maya Anderson drives to the basket in a game against Lake City.{ }{p}{/p}
Maya Anderson drives to the basket in a game against Lake City.

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MOSCOW, ID- Moscow senior Maya Anderson is one of two captains on the girls basketball team.

She leads quietly by example in her own way, showing the underclassmen what it takes to wear the bears uniform.

No matter the outcome on the court, first year head coach Josh Colvin gives out the relentless bear belt after each game, awarded to a player who's made a positive impact.

"He presents it with the stats and how the player impacted the game. you get to wear it around practice, show it to the family, so it's a really cool tradition. I think overall josh has made a really great environment this year," Anderson said.

The team culture is only getting stronger as the season goes on, especially with a younger core of players.

"We have a young group, a lot of seniors and sophomores, and we don't have any juniors on our team. He's really grown that connection between those grades."

Now a senior, Anderson has been apart of varsity since her first year of high school, and has leaned on those experiences to help expand her game.

"When you're a freshman and just got through middle school in basketball and you're thrown into a varsity game, it can be shocking. But I think it helps grow a player really fast, to jump into those positions."

On top of that, she transitioned from playing the post position last year, to now playing as a guard.

"As you get older, height isn't necessarily the same. I'm 5 foot 9, so its not really that competitive in the position, but as a guard I've felt really comfortable with my shot, it's come this year."

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