LEWISTON, ID- There was no shortage of entertainment at the smash bash demolition derby at EC enterprises motorsports park. The drivers themselves put in countless hours to make sure the fans enjoy the show.
"There's like a meet and greet with the drivers, get autographs if they want. There's lot more that goes into a derby car than what the crowd sees. A lot of the safety stuff that those guys go through, its pretty interesting," said owner Eric Christiansen.
The terrace seating was packed for yet another smash bash demolition derby.
The cars were out on full display prior to the show, along with the 22 trophies that were given out to the top finishers in each race.
The night started out with Les Schwab tires figure eight racing, where compact cars and full sized trucks raced each other at full speed.
It didn't take long for one to flip over on its side. The whole event stopped, and the fire department came in to assist. After a couple attempts, they flipped the truck upright.
Once the race got back on track, it didn't take too much longer until another car caught the side of the tire, then flipped all the way upside down.
This time, it took five safety crew members to help get the car's wheels back on the ground again.
Afterwards, the first and second place drivers of the full size figure eights were presented trophies.
Immediately following the trophy ceremonies from the figure eight races, it was time to take out the tires in the arena.
The cars were lined up and ready to go for the demolition portion of the derby.
The same 75 truck that flipped on its side in the figure eights, was also the same truck that quickly flipped once again.
Shortly after the safety and fire crew assisted, the truck caught on fire. So much so, the driver had to get out the truck for firefighters to put out the flames.
The quick safety response led to no one being hurt, concluding a jam packed, eventful night.