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Teresa Gould to be new Pac-12 commissioner, pledges to support WSU and OSU athletes

The Pac-12 commissioner Teresa Gould is set to take over starting March 1. Courtesy: Pac-12 Conference{ }{p}{/p}
The Pac-12 commissioner Teresa Gould is set to take over starting March 1. Courtesy: Pac-12 Conference

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PULLMAN, WA- The Pac-12 Conference announced that starting tomorrow, Teresa Gould will become the new commissioner.

Gould is on a two year commitment with the Pac-12. She has 35 years of experience in d1 intercollegiate athletics. Her expertise will help guide WSU and OSU in this uncertain time.

She broke down three main responsibilities: Building an operation to support the two campuses, representing OSU and WSU on the national stage, and strategically forging the future.

Gould explained why she took the job.

"Ever since everything has transpired with the Pac-12 back in August, there hasn't been a night that has gone by that I haven't thought about the more than 1,000 student athletes on the campuses of Oregon State and Washington State," Gould said.

"They need a leader that is prepared to fight for them, a leader that is prepared to fight for their behalf, and I want to be that leader."

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